
I am a Macroeconomist at the Research Division of the Sveriges Riksbank (the Central Bank of Sweden) and a Research Affiliate at CeMoF (Stockholm University).

 I am interested in understanding the implications of heterogeneity across households and firms for aggregate dynamics and macroeconomic policies.


Email    ettore.savoia@riksbank.se

Phone  +46 8 787 06 98


Monetary Policy Department, Research Division - Sveriges Riksbank 

Brunkebergstorg 11 - SE-103 37,  Stockholm, Sweden


January 3, 2024:  A massively polished version of my paper, "The Effects of Labor Income Risk Heterogeneity on the Marginal Propensity to Consume,"   is available here.  

November 28, 2023: New working paper available:  "Labor Income Risk and Monetary Policy: The Within-Wealth MPC Channel".

November 7, 2023: My paper, "The Effects of Labor Income Risk Heterogeneity on the Marginal Propensity to Consume,"   is now an ECB Working Paper, (No. 2023/2866)  available here.